* @class Ext.grid.Grid
* @extends Ext.util.Observable
* This class represents the primary interface of a component based grid control.
* <br><br>Usage:<pre><code>
var grid = new Ext.grid.Grid("my-container-id", {
ds: myDataStore,
cm: myColModel,
selModel: mySelectionModel,
autoSizeColumns: true,
monitorWindowResize: false,
trackMouseOver: true
// set any options
* </code></pre>
* <b>Common Problems:</b><br/>
* - Grid does not resize properly when going smaller: Setting overflow hidden on the container
* element will correct this<br/>
* - If you get[camel]= NaNpx or -2px or something related, be certain you have given your container element
* dimensions. The grid adapts to your container's size, if your container has no size defined then the results
* are unpredictable.<br/>
* - Do not render the grid into an element with display:none. Try using visibility:hidden. Otherwise there is no way for the
* grid to calculate dimensions/offsets.<br/>
* @constructor
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} container The element into which this grid will be rendered -
* The container MUST have some type of size defined for the grid to fill. The container will be
* automatically set to position relative if it isn't already.
* @param {Object} config A config object that sets properties on this grid.
Ext.grid.Grid = function(container, config){
// initialize the container
this.container = Ext.get(container);
this.container.setStyle("overflow", "hidden");
this.container.addClass('x-grid-container'); =;
Ext.apply(this, config);
// check and correct shorthanded configs
this.dataSource = this.ds;
delete this.ds;
this.colModel =;
this.selModel =;
/** @private */
// raw events
* @event click
* The raw click event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"click" : true,
* @event dblclick
* The raw dblclick event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"dblclick" : true,
* @event contextmenu
* The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"contextmenu" : true,
* @event mousedown
* The raw mousedown event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"mousedown" : true,
* @event mouseup
* The raw mouseup event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"mouseup" : true,
* @event mouseover
* The raw mouseover event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"mouseover" : true,
* @event mouseout
* The raw mouseout event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"mouseout" : true,
* @event keypress
* The raw keypress event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"keypress" : true,
* @event keydown
* The raw keydown event for the entire grid.
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"keydown" : true,
// custom events
* @event cellclick
* Fires when a cell is clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"cellclick" : true,
* @event celldblclick
* Fires when a cell is double clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"celldblclick" : true,
* @event rowclick
* Fires when a row is clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"rowclick" : true,
* @event rowdblclick
* Fires when a row is double clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"rowdblclick" : true,
* @event headerclick
* Fires when a header is clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"headerclick" : true,
* @event headerdblclick
* Fires when a header cell is double clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"headerdblclick" : true,
* @event rowcontextmenu
* Fires when a row is right clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"rowcontextmenu" : true,
* @event cellcontextmenu
* Fires when a cell is right clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @param {Number} cellIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"cellcontextmenu" : true,
* @event headercontextmenu
* Fires when a header is right clicked
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e
"headercontextmenu" : true,
* @event bodyscroll
* Fires when the body element is scrolled
* @param {Number} scrollLeft
* @param {Number} scrollTop
"bodyscroll" : true,
* @event columnresize
* Fires when the user resizes a column
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @param {Number} newSize
"columnresize" : true,
* @event columnmove
* Fires when the user moves a column
* @param {Number} oldIndex
* @param {Number} newIndex
"columnmove" : true,
* @event startdrag
* Fires when row(s) start being dragged
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Ext.GridDD} dd The drag drop object
* @param {event} e The raw browser event
"startdrag" : true,
* @event enddrag
* Fires when a drag operation is complete
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Ext.GridDD} dd The drag drop object
* @param {event} e The raw browser event
"enddrag" : true,
* @event dragdrop
* Fires when dragged row(s) are dropped on a valid DD target
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Ext.GridDD} dd The drag drop object
* @param {String} targetId The target drag drop object
* @param {event} e The raw browser event
"dragdrop" : true,
* @event dragover
* Fires while row(s) are being dragged. "targetId" is the id of the Yahoo.util.DD object the selected rows are being dragged over.
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Ext.GridDD} dd The drag drop object
* @param {String} targetId The target drag drop object
* @param {event} e The raw browser event
"dragover" : true,
* @event dragenter
* Fires when the dragged row(s) first cross another DD target while being dragged
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Ext.GridDD} dd The drag drop object
* @param {String} targetId The target drag drop object
* @param {event} e The raw browser event
"dragenter" : true,
* @event dragout
* Fires when the dragged row(s) leave another DD target while being dragged
* @param {Grid} this
* @param {Ext.GridDD} dd The drag drop object
* @param {String} targetId The target drag drop object
* @param {event} e The raw browser event
"dragout" : true,
* @event render
* Fires when the grid is rendered
* @param {Grid} grid
render : true
Ext.extend(Ext.grid.Grid, Ext.util.Observable, {
* @cfg {Number} minColumnWidth The minimum width a column can be resized to. Default is 25.
minColumnWidth : 25,
* @cfg {Boolean} autoSizeColumns True to automatically resize the columns to fit their content
* <b>on initial render.</b> It is more efficient to explicitly size the columns
* through the ColumnModel's {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel#width} config option. Default is false.
autoSizeColumns : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} autoSizeHeaders True to measure headers with column data when auto sizing columns. Default is true.
autoSizeHeaders : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} monitorWindowResize True to autoSize the grid when the window resizes. Default is true.
monitorWindowResize : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} maxRowsToMeasure If autoSizeColumns is on, maxRowsToMeasure can be used to limit the number of
* rows measured to get a columns size. Default is 0 (all rows).
maxRowsToMeasure : 0,
* @cfg {Boolean} trackMouseOver True to highlight rows when the mouse is over. Default is true.
trackMouseOver : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} enableDragDrop True to enable drag and drop of rows. Default is false.
enableDragDrop : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnMove True to enable drag and drop reorder of columns. Default is true.
enableColumnMove : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnHide True to enable hiding of columns with the header context menu. Default is true.
enableColumnHide : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} enableRowHeightSync True to manually sync row heights across locked and not locked rows. Default is false.
enableRowHeightSync : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} stripeRows True to stripe the rows. Default is true.
stripeRows : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} autoHeight True to fit the height of the grid container to the height of the data. Default is false.
autoHeight : false,
* @cfg {String} autoExpandColumn The id of a column in this grid that should expand to fill unused space. This id can not be 0. Default is false.
autoExpandColumn : false,
* @cfg {Number} autoExpandMin The minimum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled).
* Default is 50.
autoExpandMin : 50,
* @cfg {Number} autoExpandMax The maximum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled). Default is 1000.
autoExpandMax : 1000,
* @cfg {Object} view The {@link Ext.grid.GridView} used by the grid. This can be set before a call to render().
view : null,
* @cfg {Object} loadMask An {@link Ext.LoadMask} config or true to mask the grid while loading. Default is false.
loadMask : false,
// private
rendered : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} autoWidth True to set the grid's width to the default total width of the grid's columns instead
* of a fixed width. Default is false.
// holder
* @cfg {Number} maxHeight Sets the maximum height of the grid - ignored if autoHeight is not on.
// holder
* Called once after all setup has been completed and the grid is ready to be rendered.
* @return {Ext.grid.Grid} this
render : function(){
var c = this.container;
// try to detect autoHeight/width mode
if((!c.dom.offsetHeight || c.dom.offsetHeight < 20) || c.getStyle("height") == "auto"){
this.autoHeight = true;
var view = this.getView();
c.on("click", this.onClick, this);
c.on("dblclick", this.onDblClick, this);
c.on("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu, this);
c.on("keydown", this.onKeyDown, this);
this.relayEvents(c, ["mousedown","mouseup","mouseover","mouseout","keypress"]);
this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.container,
Ext.apply({store:this.dataSource}, this.loadMask));
this.rendered = true;
this.fireEvent('render', this);
return this;
* Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model.
* The View will be bound to the new objects and refreshed.
* @param {} dataSource The new {@link} object
* @param {Ext.grid.ColumnModel} The new {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel} object
reconfigure : function(dataSource, colModel){
this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.container,
Ext.apply({store:dataSource}, this.loadMask));
this.view.bind(dataSource, colModel);
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.colModel = colModel;
// private
onKeyDown : function(e){
this.fireEvent("keydown", e);
* Destroy this grid.
* @param {Boolean} removeEl True to remove the element
destroy : function(removeEl, keepListeners){
var c = this.container;
if(removeEl === true){
// private
processEvent : function(name, e){
this.fireEvent(name, e);
var t = e.getTarget();
var v = this.view;
var header = v.findHeaderIndex(t);
if(header !== false){
this.fireEvent("header" + name, this, header, e);
var row = v.findRowIndex(t);
var cell = v.findCellIndex(t);
if(row !== false){
this.fireEvent("row" + name, this, row, e);
if(cell !== false){
this.fireEvent("cell" + name, this, row, cell, e);
// private
onClick : function(e){
this.processEvent("click", e);
// private
onContextMenu : function(e, t){
this.processEvent("contextmenu", e);
// private
onDblClick : function(e){
this.processEvent("dblclick", e);
// private
walkCells : function(row, col, step, fn, scope){
var cm = this.colModel, clen = cm.getColumnCount();
var ds = this.dataSource, rlen = ds.getCount(), first = true;
if(step < 0){
if(col < 0){
first = false;
while(row >= 0){
col = clen-1;
first = false;
while(col >= 0){
if( || this, row, col, cm) === true){
return [row, col];
} else {
if(col >= clen){
first = false;
while(row < rlen){
col = 0;
first = false;
while(col < clen){
if( || this, row, col, cm) === true){
return [row, col];
return null;
// private
getSelections : function(){
return this.selModel.getSelections();
* Causes the grid to manually recalculate its dimensions. Generally this is done automatically,
* but if manual update is required this method will initiate it.
autoSize : function(){
* Returns the grid's underlying element.
* @return {Element} The element
getGridEl : function(){
return this.container;
// private for compatibility, overridden by editor grid
stopEditing : function(){},
* Returns the grid's SelectionModel.
* @return {SelectionModel}
getSelectionModel : function(){
this.selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel();
return this.selModel;
* Returns the grid's DataSource.
* @return {DataSource}
getDataSource : function(){
return this.dataSource;
* Returns the grid's ColumnModel.
* @return {ColumnModel}
getColumnModel : function(){
return this.colModel;
* Returns the grid's GridView object.
* @return {GridView}
getView : function(){
this.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(this.viewConfig);
return this.view;
* Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText.
* @return {String}
getDragDropText : function(){
var count = this.selModel.getCount();
return String.format(this.ddText, count, count == 1 ? '' : 's');
* Configures the text is the drag proxy (defaults to "%0 selected row(s)").
* %0 is replaced with the number of selected rows.
* @type String
Ext.grid.Grid.prototype.ddText = "{0} selected row{1}";
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